The company En Quête Prod distributes the film “Terla ta nou”. Let’s together advance the reflection on the situation of the overseas territories and the need for more autonomy and citizen participation!
The film team is here to assist you in organizing a screening at a cinema, a theater, a barn, outdoors, … near you. The “Press Kit” and the “Screening Kit” will help you understand the steps to follow and best practices!
Coordinate a screening in a cinema, community hall, or at someone’s home, and we’ll support you every step of the way! Trained facilitators can lead post-film discussions. You can also invite a guest speaker for further insights, if desired.
In return, commit to setting up a ticketing system with a suggested price and donate the proceeds to cover distribution costs. The En Quête Prod team will reach out to you promptly and can assist in finding a venue or necessary equipment for the screening.